This is Krampus

April, 2024: A story from Cat Adoption Team: “When Billie found Cat Adoption Team’s low-cost spay/neuter clinic, she was excited to get her cat Krampus fixed at a price that fit her budget. She really wanted to get him other vital care during his appointment too, like an FVRCP vaccine, deworming and flea treatment, and a microchip. But the added cost was out of reach. She contacted CAT’s clinic to schedule the neuter and shared that she’d hoped to get Krampus more care but simply couldn’t add it on top of paying for the neuter. 

Billie wanted to do right by her kitty, and that’s one reason CAT’s Keeping Cats in Homes fund exists. Billie paid for the neuter surgery… and Krampus got the other care he needed too! Through the fund, CAT was able to provide the extra medical services at no additional cost. After the surgery Billie shared that Krampus recovered quickly and was grateful for the kind care.

CAT is grateful to partners like Jamie Brianna’s Legacy Fund for supporting the Keeping Cats in Homes fund. Your generosity means more cats and their families stay happy and healthy together!